Taylor Swift is getting an ENTIRE TV channel to herself

24/7 Swifty

taylor swift

by Jadie Troy-Pryde |
Published on

You know how it is – you get home from work, you stick on a pair of pyjamas, tuck into last night’s takeaway leftovers and wish, nay, PRAY, that there was an entire channel dedicated to Taylor Swift so that you could watch a load of stuff about her pretty much all the time.

Or those hungover weekends when all you want to do is watch Taylor and her cats and wonder how she makes having a bob look so bloody easy?

No? Just us?

Well it can’t be JUST us, because some TV bods have decided that here lies a gap in the market, and so they have created just that.

Yes, Swiftys and all great repetitive pop song lovers unite!

Because we have all been blessed with a channel that will show Taylor Swift content CONSTANTLY all day every day.

taylor swift

The new streaming channel is aptly named Taylor Swift NOW.

And that’s not us excitedly capitalising NOW, it literally is the channel’s name telling you that you need to watch Taylor Swift NOW.

Network CEO John Stankey said: "Taylor Swift NOW is one of many exciting things we have in store for Taylor's fans and our customers as part of our exclusive multi-year deal.

"We can't wait to get Taylor Swift NOW into the hands of fans to stream everywhere."

Because we’ve all woken up in the middle of the night with We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together in our heads, and what better way to quell the sudden need for Taylor Swift than to stick on this channel and whatever ungodly hour you choose?

Expect original content with the starlet, behind-the-scenes footage and a LOAD of exclusive videos.

Does 24 hour Taylor Swift sound like an absolute DREAM or a complete NIGHTMARE?

We have a feeling Katy Perry might not be tuning in.

TBF, we’ll definitely be tuning in. For research purposes, obviously.

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