Remember when it emerged that two of the world's biggest stars - Taylor Swift and Katy Perry - were feuding?
Well Taylor Swift has addressed it in an interview - and, disappointingly for fans of celeb fights, is keeping schtum.
In case you need a refresher, news of the rift broke when Taylor revealed in an interview that the song Bad Blood was written for a fellow pop star, her "straight-up enemy".
Katy Perry then tweeted to her followers to "Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing,"and she said in another interview: "If somebody is trying to defame my character, you're going to hear about it."
Well, anyway, in Taylor's latest interview with The Telegraph, Swiftie decided she wouldn't address the fight in the media: "I’m not giving them anything to write about," Taylor said. "I’m not walking up the street with boys, I’m not stumbling out of clubs drunk," she continued. "But I’m never going to talk about her in my interview. It’s not going to happen."
The "her" in question, is of course Katy Perry. Way to take the high ground Taylor, we approve.
Back on to what she WOULD discuss, Taylor had this to say about her close-knit group of celeb gal pals, from Karlie Kloss and Lena Dunham, to the Haim girls:
"The thing about my girlfriends right now is that none of them needs me for anything other than friendship," she told the paper.
"I love the fact that they are all passionate about their jobs, whatever their jobs are. A lot of celebrity-type people have this group of people around them where their friends’ main priority is them, and they feel comfortable with that dynamic. I don’t feel comfortable with that dynamic."
And speaking of her close celeb mates, Taylor's been asked to be the godmother for actress Jaime King's baby-to-be. She announced the news with these Instagram snaps.
