Tom Hardy is rehoming stray dogs and we don’t think we’ve ever loved anyone more

He is TOO much


by Ruby Norris |
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Just when we thought it was physically impossible to love Tom Hardy any more than we already do, he’s done something so incredibly adorable our hearts can’t cope.

Tom’s been wandering around parks picking up stray dogs and finding new homes for them. So, as well as looking like he’s been carved by the angels, he’s proved once more that he’s probably one of the nicest men to have walked on planet Earth.


After discovering the abandoned Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies, Tom posted on Instagram telling fans he’d delivered the pooches to Battersea Dogs and encouraging his followers to pay them a visit.

“New Staffies found and brought to Battersea this am in a box found in park. Look at them. I want to house them all 8 weeks old. Go see them xxx,” he wrote.

And it seems as though Tom’s heroic efforts have not gone to waste, as the puppies have all been rehomed.

Battersea Cats and Dogs Home shared the news on their own Instagram account, saying: “Found abandoned in a box in London’s Victoria Park, these 7-week-old, Staffie puppies were brought straight to Battersea. Luckily they all have homes lined up as soon as they’re old enough. 🐶”

According to Intake Manager Steve Craddock, they’re currently having a lovely time running around the shelter.

“These puppies had a lucky escape,” he told Yahoo! News. “The whole experience must have been very frightening for them. It was a cold day and they could have easily got hypothermia, suffocated or died of dehydration.

"Fortunately, they were found in time and – after a drink, a sleep and some TLC – made a full recovery, and now they're charging about enjoying life with playful puppy enthusiasm."


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