Top Gear’s new host Chris Evans could become the highest-paid star at BBC

Yup, £5million over three years will do that…

Chris Evans

by Anna Lewis |
Published on

Chris Evans must be chuffed about his new job as presenter of Top Gear.

Not only is he hosting one of the most iconic TV shows of all time, but he’s also getting paid a bucket load of cash too.


The Radio 2 DJ – who was recently announced as Jeremy Clarkson’s replacement after he was a very naughty boy – is apparently getting paid a WHOPPING £5million over the next three years, making him the highest-paid star at the BBC.

According to The Guardian the 49 year old will earn £1m a year as part of his three-year Top Gear contract as presenter and executive producer.

The £5m figure also includes work on his Radio 2 breakfast show.

Nice work if you can get it…

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