In homage to TOWIE’s friendship-ruining, sometimes sauv blanc swilling, sometimes heart-breaking, hilariously awkward and just pure and utter AGGY arguments, we’ve put together a definitive list of the best Essex fights EVER.
There’s been so so so so many. Enjoy.
You ain’t ever getting none of this candy
An iconic moment in Gemma Collins’ career, don't you think? During a holiday to Marbs (where else) Gem assured the whole world that no one was worthy enough of her candy. Not even Arg, who had been boasting about their sex life.
Cue a rather baffled/scared Arg cowering in the pool corner. Brilliant.
Lucy swilling Mario
After Lucy does the classic ‘getting over someone by getting under someone else’ in Marbs, Mario has PLENTY of snide comments for his ex girlfriendbut ends up eating his words as he gets a glass of red in his face at an ALL WHITE party.
We've never loved Lucy Meck more.
Kirk calling Maria an extra
When Kirk turned up at the SAME restaurant as his ex Lauren Pope with a new date – who forgot about that, coz we did – people were not impressed, especially Maria Fowler.
So she piped up. However, she was quickly shushed by Kirk, who described her as a “f*cking extra.”
Pretty harsh, tbf.
**Tommy and Diags getting VERY lairy **
This one is intense and very sweary. Tommy lost the plot when Diags and Fran claimed that they had evidence that he’d cheated on the very lovely Georgia. Not one for a snake, a grass or a disloyal friend – Tommy stood his ground and scared us all.
Never cross him, “He’s from ‘good stock, bruv.”
**Lewis Bloor vs Lauren Pope **
We still haven’t forgiven him. We probably never will. Bad form, Lewis.
Things came to an almighty head between Gemma, Vas and Lauren Pope at a pool party that security had to be called. And it was all over a pretty banging impression that Lauren did of Gemma.
It even made Mario do this face.

**Mario & Lucy vs Joey & Sam **
Can we just clarify, three years later,that Sam “hasn’t been Faces for a year.”
Nothing ever came of the rumours but both couples have now parted their ways. Capri Sun is still one of favourite Essex insults though.
Grace SCREAMING at Fran & Georgia while people around them have an awkward dance
In this heated row over loyalty, Fran and Georgia go head-to-head with Grace. Things turn screechy, really screechy and extras in the background make it all a bit more awkward as they carry on dancing.
**Chloe Sims out-sassing pretty much the WHOLE Wright family **
Going out with a member of the Wright family can be pretty next level. When you put a foot wrong, you’ve pretty much got all of them on your back.
So when Elliot cornered Vas and Chloe about rumours that Chloe cheated on him, she wasn’t having any of it.
Sim’s keeping it sassy since day one.
*Safe to say, we're all agged out. *