Here at heat, we know you love cute babies. Heck, we love cute babies too. We love all kinds of babies and who can blame us, babies are basically like human puppies. So what's not to love?
If there's one thing we know you love more than normal human babies, it's celebrity babies, and we've got a super-cute snap of Union J's JJ Hamblett along with his beautiful girlfriend, Caterina Lopez, with their 18-month-old baby boy, Princeton.
The little family were in New York watching Yankees NYC Game vs Baltimore Orioles. We Googled those names and we have it on good authority that they're something to do with baseball. See, it's not just celebs stuff we tell you here at heat.
Earlier in the week JJ tweeted:
JJ and co. are staying in New York until tomorrow and we don't think we could be any more jealous. Now, here's a bunch of pictures of celebrity dads with babies because, well, just because. Enjoy!