Usain Bolt accidentally ran out of a club without paying his £10,000 bill

And literally no-one could catch him

by Emmeline Saunders |
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Poor old Usain Bolt is feeling prrrretty cringe today – he accidentally ran out of a club without paying for his drinks and table.

The Sun reports that the fastest man in the world left behind a £10,000 tab when he left London's Drama at the end of the night.

But – because he's the best – he actually went back the next day to make amends.

Christ on a cracker

A source told the newspaper: "Usain was having such a great night that he totally forgot about actually paying for it. It's a side effect of being an athletics hero and getting freebies chucked at him all the time."

Come on, everyone – get your tiny violins out.

"Usain felt terrible when he realised his mistake. He snuck in the following morning armed with a credit card and a heartfelt apology. The club's cleaners got the shock of their lives," the insider added.

Aww. AWW.

A spokesperson for the club told the paper that Usain is a "great guy" and welcome to come back "any time".

"We might just have to make sure our door staff have a head start on him when he makes for the exit."

It comes just after Usain had that terrible collision with the cameraman on a Segway, which – incredibly – resulted in zero injuries or lost jobs.

Now we can't decide what our favourite Bolt story of this year it: crashed Segway or skipping out on a £10,000 bar bill? Hmm.

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