Remember the good old days when Victoria Beckham was in the Spice Girls and had an amazing talent for kicking one leg out to the side, pointing and somehow looking a bit posh?
Well, that's long gone and she now seems to just look miserable all the bloomin’ time.
Well, there’s a reason behind it – FASHION.
The artist formerly known as Posh Spice has answered 73 questions for Vogue and is quizzed on why she fails to ever look cheerful in a video.
She said: “I’m smiling on the inside. I feel that I have a responsibility to the fashion community.”
Alright then, love. It seems Vicky B actually is a bit of fun as she sends herself up in the clip as she gives the interviewer a tour of her tour London store.
She’s asked a plethora of fashion-related questions and attempts to make us LOL with her answers and some, er, rather ropey acting.
However, she does seem to think she deserves some recognition for her previous foray into cinema, saying: “I starred in Spiceworld The Movie and I am still waiting for my outstanding achievement award.”
And even though she’s built up a highly successful fashion empire, she has a rather odd way of getting dressed.
When asked in what order she puts on her clothes, she responds: “Socks, knickers, vest, dress.”
Does this mean she puts on her socks and is then completely naked with her bum out while she has to bend over and pull up her underwear?
In her own words: “Comedy gold.”
GALLERY: Victoria and David Beckham's maddest looks
David and Victoria Beckham's maddest looks!

Nothing says 'she said yes' like matching turtlenecks.

Don't pull that string whatever you do...□

Jeez. Aren't you guys hot?

Victoria decides she likes the feel of hot leather. While Dave tries a little hot snakeskin on for size.

Someone just watched The Matrix then...

Seriously guys. Enough with the leather already.

Experimenting with cowprint, are we Vic? But in fairness, you had to compete with Dave's bandana somehow.

Lovely fleece. We think our aunt Sue has a similar one for her trips to the Lake District.

Ohhhhh, so you actually thought the bandana looked good, did you?

Erm, John Travolta called. He said he wants his flares back...

What's going on here then? Dave's been routing around in Rik Waller's wardrobe again we assume.

Nothing says high-end fashion like oil-slick groin-high boots

In fairness, Becks actually looks OK here. But what's up with VB's jungle-inspired number?
