Watch Keira Knightley doing an excellent orgasm face in a recreation from When Harry Met Sally

Benedict Cumberbatch and James Corden appear in the video, too

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by Rosie Gizauskas |
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What’s better than Keira Knightley, James Corden, Benedict Cumberbatch and Felicity Jones all recreating scenes from famous films in THREE amazing videos?

Nothing, that’s what.


Especially when Keira Knightley is doing a stellar job of imitating Meg Ryan’s mega-cringe fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally. Watch below.

Vanity Fair have got Keira, James, Benedict and Felicity – plus loads more big British hitters, like Michael Caine, Eddie Redmayne and Dame Judi Dench – together to do a sequence of videos and they’re INCREDIBLE.

The short films celebrate the best of Blighty – by getting Brit actors to re-enact scenes from huge Hollywood films.

You’ve got Tom Hiddleston and Felicity Jones doing Bonnie and Clyde, while James Corden throws a diva strop and demands his own superhero franchise – and Benedict Cumberbatch looks GORGEOUS (obvs) in a silent film.

Director Jason Bell made the films in response to the idea that Britain has taken over Hollywood.

Well, it’s totally true - look at the Oscar nominations this year. The Theory Of Everything, Selma and The Imitation Game all have British leads, and that’s just the leads. Shucks, we feel so proud!

Now go watch if you haven't, and feel all warm and glowy inside.

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