WATCH: Liam Payne reveal himself as Attitude magazine’s new cover star!

For TWO exclusive cover shots.

Liam payne

by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

One Direction's Liam Payne is going to appear on *Attitude *magazine's October issue as it is revealed he's their new cover guy!

And not only will readers be granted the pleasure of one naked torso cover but TWO "collectable covers".

Liam, 22, spilled the beans on the mag's YouTube channel in a teaser clip of the upcoming cover shoot.

Attitude tweeted the news saying: "@onedirection's @Real_Liam_Payne is our next cover guy- but we'll let him tell you himself."

The news of the shoot comes after last month Liam hit back at claims that he is "homophobic".

He took to Twitter to say: "I am in no way shape of form homophobic that's a ridiculous thing to say and I'm not here to offend people so take it as you will."

According to JustJared, Liam told a crowd at a 1D gig: "This is my favorite song off the last album, and it is about trying to find that number one woman of your life, which none of you can relate to, ’cause most of you are girls. Except for the boys in here, you know what I’m talking about."

The issue will be in UK shops from September 16.

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