WATCH: Man sings Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood in 20 styles! Including Rolling Stones, Barney, TLC, Coolio and Shaggy.

This is BAD. 'Bad' meaning 'good'.


by Maria Vallahis |
Published on


Do you want to hear what Taylor Swift's Bad Blood sounds like in 20 different famous musical styles?

Well, Swifty's track has now been added to YouTuber Anthony Vincent's self-proclaimed, 'Ten Second Song' list.


Basically he picks a song, in this case Tay-Tay's, and sings the entire track, 10-seconds at a time, in 20 different famous voices. And this one works REALLY well.

Showing off his skills he uses the voices of: Kendrick Lamar (who features on the original track), The Rolling Stones, Shaggy, The Drifters (Ben E. King), Def Leppard, TLC, Sepultura (Max Cavalera), Grease The Musical, Black Sabbath, Eiffel 65, Tiny Tim, Chef (South Park), Disturbed, Cyndi Lauper, Barney and friends, Pearl Jam, Phil Collins, Coolio, Bad Religion and Janis Joplin.

TRUST US, this guy is a bit of a ledge and you don't want to miss this one.

We're pretty sure Tay-Tay would appreciate the tribute.

Especially considering Vincent is wearing a 'I work hard so my cat can live better' t-shirt. We all know how much Taylor - and her boyfriend Calvin Harris - love her cats, Dr. Meredith Grey and Detective Olivia Benson.

Do you think this cover is as badass as we do? Let us know via @heatworld Twitter and Facebook.


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"Natural skin is low maintenance and if you're bothered you can keep lashing on moisturiser to counteract the bad burgers, beers and lack of sleep. Glitter is a must, twinkly eyes distract from a less than twinkly face even when you're absolutely exhausted."

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