Rihanna has been caught on video hunting for munchies and it's AMAZING.
Who knew? RiRi is just like us, except we'd be raiding the shelves at Tesco in rainy London, while she's perusing the treats at Duane Reade (a US pharmacy chain) in Hawaii.
So what goodies did Rihanna go for? Well after a few minutes in the shop, she'd already scooped up Pringles, Cheetos and Apple Jacks Cereal-in-a-Cup.
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The voice behind the camera says: "You just walk in the store and already you got four snacks?"
But her pal Melissa Ford leaps to Rihanna's defence and says: "You're judging her, stop judging her".
Well said, Melissa. Let RiRi stuff her face. In fact, we're probably going to go and stuff our faces now in solidarity.
After stocking up on plenty of snacks, the group then went back to their jeep and we get to see Rihanna rocking out to Aerosmith's* I Don't Want To Miss A Thing.
Eating junk food and singing along to cheesey rock music. Is Rihanna the perfect woman?