X Factor’s Lola Saunders may have to return to work as a FISHMONGER

It's sounds like her old employer really wants her back


by Owen Tonks |
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Oh, Lola Saunders. Remember her? She was on the X Factor, yeah? She was a pretty good singer, yeah? Well she may have to go back to work as a FISHMONGER.

The warbler was cruelly dumped by Cheryl Fernandez-Versini at the judges’ houses stage of the show and was then given the boot in week four of the live finals.

Before rising to fame on the series she used to gut fish for a living and she may be absolutely SLAMMING the door on the glamorous showbiz world to head back to her old life.

She told the Daily Mirror: “I’ve been in contact with my old work. They got in touch with me and were like, ‘You still need to hand in a notice.’

“I’ve never felt so like... you know when your heart drops? You don’t think anything by it. It’s always been dead casual at work.

“They rang me up and said, ‘We’re doing the Christmas rotas, are you coming back or not?’ I said, ‘I’m tied up with a few things, I’m doing gigs, pursuing music, I love it.’

“Then they ring the other day, ‘Lola, are you coming back, what’s going on?’ I was like, ‘This is an amazing opportunity for me.’”

O to the M G! What if they never let her go? What if they drag her back to the place of fish guttery and chain her to a pole? WHAT IF THEY SEND HER TO FISH UNIVERSITY AND MAKE HER QUEEN OF THE FISHES?!

Excuse us, we got a bit distracted there. Lola - you've got a bright future ahead of you, yeah? Yeah...

GALLERY: The 2014 X Factor finalists from judges' houses


X Factor 2014 24 finalists

The Boys - Andrea Faustini1 of 24

The Boys - Andrea Faustini

Age: 20From: Rome, Italy

Danny Dearden2 of 24

Danny Dearden

Age 23From: Rochdale

Paul Akister3 of 24

Paul Akister

Age: 25From: Lancashire

Jordan Morris4 of 24

Jordan Morris

Age: 20From: London

Jake Quickenden5 of 24

Jake Quickenden

Age: 26From: Scunthorpe

Jack Walton6 of 24

Jack Walton

Age 18From: Townville

The Girls - Lola Saunders7 of 24

The Girls - Lola Saunders

Age: 20From: Southshields

Stephanie Nala8 of 24

Stephanie Nala

Age: 20From: Hertfordshire

Emily Middlemas9 of 24

Emily Middlemas

Age: 15From: Glasgow

Chloe Jasmine10 of 24

Chloe Jasmine

Age: 24From: West London

Lauren Platt11 of 24

Lauren Platt

Age: 16From: Essex

Kerrianne Covell12 of 24

Kerrianne Covell

Age: 23From: Teeside

The Overs - Helen Fulthorpe13 of 24

The Overs - Helen Fulthorpe

Age: 33From: Cardiff

Fleur East14 of 24

Fleur East

Age: 26From: East London

Lizzy Pattinson15 of 24

Lizzy Pattinson

Age: 31From: Barnes

Jay James16 of 24

Jay James

Age: 31From: Sandersfoot, Wales

Stevi Ritchie17 of 24

Stevi Ritchie

Age: 34From: Essex

Ben Haenow18 of 24

Ben Haenow

Age: 29From: Croydon

The Groups - Only The Young19 of 24

The Groups - Only The Young

Concept20 of 24


New Girl Band21 of 24

New Girl Band

The Brooks22 of 24

The Brooks

New Boy Band23 of 24

New Boy Band

Blonde Electric24 of 24

Blonde Electric

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