This year’s X Factor winner’s single is going to be in aid of charity Together for Short Lives

Now we just need to know what the single actually IS...

X Factor charity single Andrea Faustini Lauren Platt Flear East

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

Simon Cowell has confirmed that this year’s X Factor winner’s single will be in aid of a children’s charity called Together for Short Lives.

That means 100 per cent of the profits, which tots up to £1 for a CD single and 20p for a digital download, will go to the charity, which works with hospices and the families of ill children across the UK.

Ben may be our X Factor winner
Ben may be our X Factor winner

It’s just a couple of weeks until the X Factor final, and the hopefuls have been whittled down to Ben Haenow, Fleur East, Andrea Faustini and Lauren Platt, so expect the winning single to be from one of these guys.

Thanks be that it wasn’t Stevi Ritchie crooning for charity, hey?

With the X Factor final on 14 December, we’ll hear the winner’s single straight away at the end of the show (complete with the obligatory glitter explosion that means Simon Cowell gets glitter down his cleavage and stuck in his nose – hohoho!)

We won’t know what the single us until the 14 December, but it’s sure to be a tearjerker, and it’ll be available for download straight after the final. Get digging deep, guys. Like Simon, to unwedge the mound of glitter between his boobies.

Take a look at this gallery, just because...


15 most eccentric X Factor finalists ever!

Chico, series 21 of 15

Chico, series 2

Finest moment: Chico Time

Same Difference, series 42 of 15

Same Difference, series 4

Finest moment: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go:

Rhydian Roberts, series 43 of 15

Rhydian Roberts, series 4

Finest moment: Phantom Of The Opera

Jedward, series 64 of 15

Jedward, series 6

Finest moment: Ghostbusters

Storm Lee, series 75 of 15

Storm Lee, series 7

Finest moment: We Built This City

Katie Waissel, series 76 of 15

Katie Waissel, series 7

Finest moment: Don't Give Up On Me aka "Sod it"

Nicolo Festa, series 77 of 15

Nicolo Festa, series 7

Finest moment: Just Dance

Diva Fever, series 78 of 15

Diva Fever, series 7

Finest moment: Barbra Streisand

Wagner, series 79 of 15

Wagner, series 7

Finest moment: She Bangs/Love Shack:

X_Factor_Series_8_Johnny_Robinson10 of 15


Kitty Brucknell, series 811 of 15

Kitty Brucknell, series 8

Finest moment: Who Wants To Live Forever

2 Shoes, series 812 of 15

2 Shoes, series 8

Finest moment: Something Kinda Ooooh

Rylan Clark, series 913 of 15

Rylan Clark, series 9

Finest moment: Spice Girls medley

Blonde Electra, series 1114 of 15

Blonde Electra, series 11

Finest moment: Kids In America

Stevi Ritchie, series 1115 of 15

Stevi Ritchie, series 11

Finest moment: Livin' La Vida Loca

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