Zayn Malik has apparently landed a MEGA Hollywood role


zayn malik dazed interview

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Remember when we told you Zayn Malik was planning on following in Harry Styles’ footsteps and heading to Hollywood? Well, turns out WE WERE RIGHT (of course we were).

All ex-One Direction members seem to be getting solo deals left right and centre (including Harry and Zayn), but these two were always the edgiest of the group - so of course they’re taking on other shit as well.


Speaking to Elle, Zayn revealed that he’d put his acting dream on hold after shooting to fame on The X Factor in 2010.

He said: "I started acting when I was in school with theatre studies and then music came afterwards.

"The acting completely stopped because I joined the band, but I'd definitely be interested if I was given the right part."

And it looks like his dreams may all finally be starting to come true, as he’s apparently been roped in to help create a TV series about an up-and-coming fictional boyband – a subject he’s AN EXPERT on.

No word of any acting just yet, but Zayn is said to be going to be Executive Producer of the series (which is made by the creators of Entourage).

A source told The Sun: "This is a big deal for Zayn. He has been keen to get stuck into different projects outside of music and this is the perfect move.

"It’s a subject he knows lots about and he will call upon his experiences to advise the scriptwriters on the show."

This show sounds like it’s going to be rilly great, NGL…

We hope his Hollywood dream goes as well as Harry’s apparently is. His acting in the movie Dunkirk was praised by none other than Mark Rylance, who claimed he has “a gift”.

Harry Styles Dunkirt

He told the Metro: "He's really witty, really funny – he really makes me laugh. He's been ever so brave, not making any fuss.

"He seems remarkable… one of those people who has – Sean Penn has it too – a kind of panache. I look at them and think 'how did you get that? How do you get so that life is easy?'

"But he has a lovely, lovely character. It's a gift."

Maybe you could get Hazza a part in your new show, Zayn? PULL SOME STRINGS.

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