Don’t panic but Zayn Malik is in London filming a STEAMY AF music video

Our hearts!!!

Zayn Malik

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

You may want to be sat down with a nice, cold glass of water when you read this as we're pretty sure it's going to make you feel all hot n' bothered.

News has reached heat hq that mega FITLORD (we're being mature and totes putting all the Perrie Edwards break-up business behind us...for now) is out and about in LONDON.

The singer had been spotted filming the music video for his 50 Shades Darker track, I Don't Wanna Live Forever with Taylor Swift.

From these sneaky behind-the-scenes pics the video looks dark and sultry, and let's face it, it's going to be sexy AF.

We literally cannot wait.

According to reports, Zayn brought the St Pancras hotel in London to a bit of a standstill while he filmed scenes for the video outside.

Apparently there was a whole load of fake smoke and rain to create a set fitting for a Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack.

Sounds pretty dramatic and we're just about to head out to the hotel now just in case Zayn needs to do a cheeky little re-shoot. We're more than happy to offer ourselves up as extras. Reach out if you're keen, yeah Zayn?

In other opportunites-to-potentially-bump-into-a-one-direction-member (and try and bag yourself a husband lol) news, you may get your chance to meet Harry Styles if you hang out in THIS London spot.

All you have to do is get yourself to New Bond Street, apparently.

This is because records state that Erskine Records, Harry’s record production company, have moved to the swanky spot in central London, as did HAS Publishing – Harry’s other company which “supports activities to performing arts”.



Could Harry Styles be changing his name? Um..

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