Zayn Malik ‘planning move into fashion industry as he aims for big-money deal with huge brand’

You might soon be able to WEAR Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Now Zayn Malik’s no longer a member of One Direction he’s free to make any career move he wants.

And while the singer and his producer Naughty Boy have been teasing us with snippets of Zayn’s solo tunes, it seems music may not be the star’s next step.

Zayn is apparently hoping to launch a career in fashion and is said to be jetting off to Paris Men’s Fashion Week later this month in a bid to impress some important people in the industry.

A source told The Sun: “Zayn has always been very creative and introverted.

“He tried out various looks and styles during his time in One Direction, which has led to interest from top fashion houses.

“Music will always be his priority but fashion could be more than just a side project.

“The long-term aim could be to potentially earn a big-money endorsement deal with a huge fashion brand.”

The news comes after Bend It Like Beckham director Gurinder Chadha revealed she’d spoken to Zayn about trying his hand at acting.

She told the Daily Mirror: “We’ve met and spoken. He trained as an actor first then became part of the band.

“So I think what he’ll be doing is staying true to his heart – and that’s all you can ever do.

“I don’t have a part in mind for Zayn just yet but hopefully in the future.”

GALLERY: Zayn Malik's hair story


Zayn Maliku2019s hair story from 2010 – 2014

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October 2010: Fluffy and bouffant



November 2010: Well he was following the crowd..

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March 2011: Fast forward four months and Zayn's far more styled

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October 2011: We have NO idea what's going on now

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February 2012: Luckily a hair-stylist took pity and got his barnet back under control. Also: FACIAL HAIR ALERT.

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April 2012: Zayn's trademark quiff is back and the stubble is growing nicely

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September 2012: Oo-er, Zayn's dipped his quiff in bleach

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November 2012: Zayn's come over all Cruella

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November 2012: We think it may be growing on us...

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February 2013: PHEW - Zayn's lost his bleached streak. We bet his mum had a word over Christmas.

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April 2013: The quiff is higher and the five o'clock shadow is back - hello SEXY Zayn

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August 2013: Zayn's lopped it all off, bar his little beard

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November 2013: The quiff is BACK and the beard is better than ever

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May 2014: A bushier style for spring...

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July 2014: Zayn lets his quiff down for the night

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September 2014: Zayn's trying out a Harry Styles side-swept-style

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October 2014: Zayn tries out the braided, pulled back look

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