Love Island’s Jessy Potts: her age, job, Instagram and who she has her eye on in the villa

She's also friends with Jay Younger and Adam Maxted


by Emily Vierke |
Updated on

Is there a record number of bombshells joining the Love Island villa this year, or is it just us?

That being said, every time a newbie walks through the door it seems like 24 hours later we are saying goodbye to someone else.

li firepit
countless dumpings this series ©itv

The latest duo to be booted out of the Love Island 2024 villa was Omar Nyame and Tiffany Leighton and they have already been replaced with fresh meat.

The latest Islander to join this years series of Love Island is TikTok queen, Jessy Potts.


Who is Jessy Potts?

Jessy is one of the new bombshells joining the Love Island villa.

How old is Jessy Potts?

Jessy is 25 years old with a late November birthday making her a Sagittarius.

Where is Jessy Potts from?

She is from Leicester and according to her Instagram splits her time between there and London.

What does Jessy Potts do?

She works as a brand partnerships associate and also dabbles in the world of influencing. Although she has less than 10k followers on TikTok; her videos often hit the one million mark.

Jessy and trey
jessy and trey ©itv

Who does Jessy Potts have her eye on in the villa?

To the surprise of absolutely NO ONE, Jessy named Ronnie [Vint] as one of the Love Island lads she likes the look of.

"Ronnie has a fun personality and seems like a good flirt and could make me laugh."

But she also named a few of the other Islanders who are already in couples and we are not sure that Mimii Nglube or Grace Jackson will be too impressed with her response.

"I like Ayo Odukoya, he’s gorgeous and seems really chatty," she admitted, "Joey Essex is also very good looking, I like a pretty boy with dimples, he intrigues me. I don’t care about who he is but I’m intrigued to see what he is actually like."

What is Jessy Potts's Instagram?

You can follow her at @jessymaypotts.

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Emily Vierke is a digital writer who has dabbled in the world of celeb, beauty and fashion. She enjoys stalking the Love Island girlies for outfit inspo nearly as much as she enjoys rewatching the clip of Maura Higgins confronting Tom Walker for gossiping about her to the Love Island lads.

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