Love Island is BACK for series four, and we are frankly obsessed with the 2018 intake of contestants.
We've already cancelled every summer plan we have to spend our time staring at Caroline Flack and her bunch of new sassy, single island recruits on our telly screens.
Here’s everything we know so far about Love Island series 4:
When Is Love Island back on TV?
Keep up! It's already started - the start date was Monday 4 June.
Who’s in the Love Island 2018 line-up?
Here is the official Love Island 2018 line-up:
Love Island 2018 contestants (slider)
Laura Anderson
Age: 29Occupation: Cabin CrewFrom: Stirling, Scotland
Dani Dyer
Age: 21Occupation: BarmaidFrom: East London
Hayley Hughes
Age: 21Occupation: ModelFrom: Liverpool
Kendall Rae-Knight
Age: 26Occupation: Retail ManagerFrom: Blackpool
Samira Mighty
Age: 22Occupation: West End PerformerFrom: London
Niall Aslam
Age: 23Occupation: Student and Construction WorkerFrom: Coventry
Eyal Booker
Age: 22Occupation: ModelFrom: London
Adam Collard
Age: 22Occupation: Personal Trainer and Gym DirectorFrom: Newcastle
Jack Fincham
Age: 26Occupation: Stationary Sales ManagerFrom: Kent
Dr. Alex George
Age: 27Occupation: A&E DoctorFrom: Carmarthen, West Wales
Wes Nelson
Age: 20Occupation: Electrical and Nuclear Systems Design EngineerFrom: Staffordshire
Who are the Love Island 2018 couples?
There are the contestants so far coupled up:
Love Island 2018 couples - week 1
Laura and Wes
Wes is the third boy to meet the girls and after Alex initially chooses Laura, Wes swoops in and couples up with her when she steps forward. Alex is placed on the subs bench.
Hayley and Eyal
Dani, Samira and Hayley all step forward when Eyal enters the villa. Eyal picks Hayley and we have our third couple.
Dani and Jack
Jack is the fifth boy in, and both Dani and Samira step forward. Jack chooses to couple up with Dani.
Samira and Alex
This leaves Samira and Alex to couple up.

Kendall and Adam
It all got a teeny bit awks in last night's episode when Adam dramatically stole Kendall off Niall and coupled up with her. Niall was #muggledoff

And now poor old Niall has been left all on his own. We're hoping one of the newbies will come along and sweep him off his feet.
How long will Love Island be on for?
Good news! It’s been reported that this year’s Love Island could be the longest series yet.
While last year’s show ran for just under 8 weeks, the application form states applicants must be available for a minimum of 10 weeks between May and July. Caroline also recently hinted this year’s series could run for up to nine weeks.
"Everyone wants to be in love. Secondly, you get to be on holiday for nine weeks,” she explained to the Daily Star on Sunday when talking about reasons to apply.
"Third, you get to get a good tan. And fourth, you get to have fun!"
Can you still apply for Love Island 2018?
Sadly, applications are now closed. So you'll have to save it for next year.

Is there a Love Island 2018 trailer?
Love Island just dropped their longest trailer yet, which is jam-packed with 2017 references. Watch below:
What is the prize for winning Love Island?
It’s thought the format for Love Island will remain unchanged for series 4 and see contestants coupling up and re-coupling each week in the hope of finding love and making it to the live final.
The winning couple will then be in with a chance of winning £50,000. Each winning individual will have to decide whether to split the £50 equally or take the top prize all for themselves. If both winners decide to take the money for themselves, no one will win it. If both decide to split, each person will take home £25,000.
Who won Love Island 2017?
Catch up with the former Love Island stars on Snapchat:
heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list

Caroline Flack Snapchat username
Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack.Snapchat: flickflackTwitter: @carolineflack1Instagram: @carolineflack

Iain Stirling Snapchat username
Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol.Snapchat: IaindoesjokesTwitter: @IainDoesJokesInstagram: @iaindoesjokes
Samira Mighty Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @samiramightyTwitter: @MightySamira
Dani Dyer Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @danidyerxxTwitter: @Dani_MasDyer
Dr Alex George Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @adlgeorge1Twitter: n/a
Hayley Hughes Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @hayleyhughes.xxTwitter: @hayleyhughes13
Kendall-Rae Knight Snapchat username
Snapchat: kendallknightxInstagram: @kendallreaknightTwitter: @KendallRKnight
Georgia Steel Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: geesteelxTwitter: n/a
Eyal Booker Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @EyalBookerTwitter: @EyalBooker
Laura Anderson Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @lauraanderson1xTwitter: n/a
Charlie Frederick Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: charliefrederick_Twitter: n/a
Adam Collard Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @adamcollardTwitter: @theadamcollard
Wes Nelson Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @wes.nelsonTwitter: @WesLNelson
Jack Fincham Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: jack_charlesfTwitter: @Jack_CharlesF
Josh Denzel Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: joshdenzelTwitter: n/a
Megan Barton Hanson Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: meganbartonhanson_Twitter: @MeganBHanson
Niall Aslam Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: @niallaslamTwitter: @niallaslam
Rosie Williams Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aInstagram: rosieawilliamsTwitter: n/a

Georgia Harrison Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @glharrisonxInstagram: @glharrisonx

Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jamielukejewittInstagram: @jamiejewitt_

Theo Campbell Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @theocampbelInstagram: @theo_campbell91

Rob Lipsett Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @RobLipsettInstagram: roblipsett

Steve Ball Snapchat username
Snapchat: steveball_92Twitter: @steveball_92Instagram: steveball92

Alex Beattie Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: n/aInstagram: alex.beattie

Nathan Joseph Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @natjosephInstagram: nat_joseph

Craig Lawson Snapchat username
Snapchat:craiglawsonptTwitter: @thetattooedptInstagram: thetattooedpt

Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marlnokatsourisInstagram: marino_katsouris

Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ShannenReillyMInstagram: shannenreillymcgrath

Chyna Ellis Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @chynaellis_Instagram: chynaellis_

Amelia Peters Snapchat username
Snapchat: apetersxTwitter: @amelia_petersInstagram: ameliapeters1

Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @thesotongirlInstagram: thesouthamptongirl

Danielle Sellers Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @DanieIleSellersInstagram: daniellejsellers

Tyla Carr Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter:TylaRosieCarrInstagram

Simon Searles Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: simonsearles1Instagram: sisearles
Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: MikeThalassitisInstagram: mike_thala

Gabby Allen Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @gabbydawnallenInstagram: @gabbydawnallen

Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @tlc_xxxInstagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson

Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @jonnyVmitchellInstagram: @jonny_mitchell1991

Chris Hughes Snapchat username
Snapchat: hchris22Twitter: @chrishughes_22Instagram: @chrishughes_22
Olivia Attwood Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @oliviajade_attInstagram: @oliviajade_attwood

Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx

Montana Brown Snapchat username
Snapchat: MontanarosebrowTwitter: @montanarosebInstagram: @montanarosebrown1

Jessica Shears Snapchat username
Snapchat: jessicaroseukTwitter: @Jessica_Rose_UKInstagram: @jessica_rose_uk

Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @CamillaThurlowInstagram: @camillathurlow

Amber Davies Snapchat username
Snapchat: amber_davies7Twitter: @Amber_Davies7Instagram: @amb_d

ENTERTAINMENT heatworld's ULTIMATE Love Island Snapchat username list by Ruby Norris | 11 09 2017 Shirtless selfies and bikini snaps galore Love Island is without doubt the standout reality TV show of the summer (Big Brother, CBB, Ex On The Beach we still love you don't worry). Can you think of anything more entertaining than shoving a load of sassy, sexy singletons into a villa and watching them try and cop off with each other to be in with a chance of becoming the last couple standing and taking home the £50,000 prize? No. Obvs not. (PS, find out everyhting you need to know about the new series here.) Not only do the islanders form close bonds with each other in the villa (some closer than others wink, wink) but we kinda get a little bit obsessed with them too. Now that it's all over, we want to know everything about them: if the couples are still together IRL, if they all hang out as mates, what they had for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, and the best way to do that is of course on Snapchat. So, we've done some digging and compiled an ultimate list of Love Island stars' Snapchat usernames and social media handles. Here ya go! Love Island Snapchat Usernames Caroline Flack Snapchat username Let's kick things off with our Love Island host and all-round MEGA BABE Caroline Flack. Snapchat: flickflack Twitter: @carolineflack1 Instagram: @carolineflack Iain Stirling aka Love Island Voice Over Guy Snapchat username Next up is the absolutely, bloody hilarious Iain Stirling. He's responsible for the witty commentary basically taking the piss out of all the islanders. Lolol. Snapchat: Iaindoesjokes Twitter: @IainDoesJokes Instagram: @iaindoesjokes Georgia Harrison Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @glharrisonx Instagram: @glharrisonx Jamie Jewitt Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jamielukejewitt Instagram: @jamiejewitt_ Theo Campbell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @theocampbel Instagram: @theo_campbell91 Rob Lipsett Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @RobLipsett Instagram: roblipsett Steve Ball Snapchat username Snapchat: steveball_92 Twitter: @steveball_92 Instagram: steveball92 Alex Beattie Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: n/a Instagram: alex.beattie Nathan Joseph Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @natjoseph Instagram: nat_joseph Craig Lawson Snapchat username Snapchat:craiglawsonpt Twitter: @thetattooedpt Instagram: thetattooedpt Marino Kastsouris Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @marlnokatsouris Instagram: marino_katsouris Shannen Reilly Mcgrath Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ShannenReillyM Instagram: shannenreillymcgrath Chyna Ellis Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @chynaellis_ Instagram: chynaellis_ Amelia Peters Snapchat username Snapchat: apetersx Twitter: @amelia_peters Instagram: ameliapeters1 Ellisha-Jade White Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @thesotongirl Instagram: thesouthamptongirl Danielle Sellers Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @DanieIleSellers Instagram: daniellejsellers Tyla Carr Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter:TylaRosieCarr Instagram:tylarosie Simon Searles Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: simonsearles1 Instagram: sisearles Mike Thalassitis aka 'Muggy Mike' Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: MikeThalassitis Instagram: mike_thala Gabrielle ALlen Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @gabbydawnallen Instagram: @gabbydawnallen Tyne-Lexi Clarson Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @tlc_xxx Instagram: @tyne_lexy_clarson Jonny Mitchell Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @jonnyVmitchell Instagram: @jonny_mitchell1991 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Chris Hughes Snapchat username Snapchat: hchris22 Twitter: @chrishughes_22 Instagram: @chrishughes_22 (CREDIT: ITV) © ITV Olivia Attwood Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @oliviajade_att Instagram: @oliviajade_attwood © ITV Chloe Crowhurst Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @ChloeCrowhurst_ Instagram: @chloecrowhurstx © ITV Montana Brown Snapchat username Snapchat: Montanarosebrow Twitter: @montanaroseb Instagram: @montanarosebrown1 © ITV Jessica Shears Snapchat username Snapchat: jessicaroseuk Twitter: @Jessica_Rose_UK Instagram: @jessica_rose_uk © ITV Camilla Thurlow Snapchat username Snapchat: n/a Twitter: @CamillaThurlow Instagram: @camillathurlow © ITV Amber Davies Snapchat username Snapchat: amber_davies7 Twitter: @Amber_Davies7 Instagram: @amb_d © ITV Marcel Somerville Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @marcel_rockybInstagram: @marcel_rockyb

Kem Cetinay Snapchat username
Snapchat: kemcatinayTwitter: @KemCetinayInstagram: @kemcetinay

Sam Gowland Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @SamGowland123Instagram: @samgowland

Harley Judge Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @Harley_JudgeInstagram: @harley_judge

Dom Lever Snapchat username
Snapchat: n/aTwitter: @_DomLeverInstagram: @domlever

Cara de la Hoyde Snapchat username
Snapchat: miss_delahoydeTwitter: @miss_delahoydeInstagram: @cara_delahoyde

Nathan Massey Snapchat username
Snapchat: nathloveislandTwitter: @NathanMassey_Instagram: @nathanmassey_

Olivia Buckland Snapchat username
Snapchat: oliviabucklTwitter: @OliviaDBuckInstagram: @oliviadbuck

Alex Bowen Snapchat username
Snapchat: ab_bowen07Twitter: @ab_bowen07Instagram: @ab_bowen
Kady McDermott Snapchat username
Snapchat: kadymcdermottxTwitter: @kadymcdermottxInstagram: @kadymcdermott

Scott Thomas Snapchat username
Snapchat: scottyspecial88Twitter: @scottyspecialInstagram: @scottyspecial

Adam Maxted Snapchat username
Snapchat: adamsintillate

Katie Salmon Snapchat username
Snapchat: katieukmodel

Tom Powell Snapchat username
Snapchat: ThomasJPowell

Sophie Gradon Snapchat username
Snapchat: sophiegradon

Rykard Jenkins Snapchat username
Snapchat: Rykardio

Terry Walsh Snapchat username
Snapchat: terry_walsh

Emma-Jane Woodhams Snapchat username
Snapchat: emma_jane44

Tina Stinnes Snapchat username
Snapchat: tinastinnes

Rachel Fenton Snapchat username
Snapchat: rachelfenton18

Javi Shephard Snapchat username
Snapchat: javisuperyacht

Malin Andersson Snapchat username
Snapchat: missmsara

Jessica Hayes Snapchat username
Snapchat: miss_mae_x

Max Morley Snapchat username
Snapchat: maxmorley77

Jon Clark Snapchat username
Snapchat: jbclark6

Hannah Elizabeth Snapchat username
Snapchat: missheliz

Joshua Ritchie Snapchat username
Snapchat: yousaying1

Luis Morrison Snapchat username
Snapchat: luismorrison39

Cally-Jane Beech Snapchat username
Snapchat: callyjane1991
Lucie Donlan Snapchat username
Snapchat: Luciemodel_surf
Last year, Kem Cetinay and Amber Davies won the show and took home the £50,000 after both deciding to share the top prize.
Jamie Jewitt and Camila Thurlow were runners up, while Chris Hughes and Olivia Attwood came third. Marcel Sommerville and Gabby Allen took fourth place.
How many Love Island couples are still together?
Following winner’s Kem and Amber’s split, and news that Chris and Olivia have ended their tumultuous relationship, only three couples from last year’s Love Island remain together:
• Jessica Shears and Dominic Lever are still a couple and are engaged to be married.
• Jamie and Camilla keep a relatively low-profile but are seemingly still dating.
Meanwhile, only two couples from Love Island 2016 remain together:
• Winners Cara De La Hoyde and Nathan Massey are back together after a short split. They share a baby boy together.
• Runners up Olivia Buckland and Alex Bowen live together and are due to marry later this year.
• Cally Jane Beech and Luis Morrison off of Love Island series one (2015) are also still together.
Here's what the rest of Love Island series one are up to now, for those interested
love island series 1 - slider

Jessica Hayes - winner of Love Island series 1 (2015) - then
Jessica Hayes, along with Max Morley, became the first ever winner of the first series of the revamped show back in 2015.

Jessica Hayes - winner of Love Island series 1 (2015) - now
Sadly, her relationship with Max Wasn't meant to be. And the pair split just six weeks after leaving the villa. These days, Jess is a fashion and make-up artist. She's also got a new boyfriend, and regularly posts about him on Instagram.

Max Morley - winner of Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Max joined Love Island series 1 on day 14, and was crowned winner alongside Jessica Hayes.

Max Morley - winner of Love Island series 1 (2015) now
After winning the show, Max went onto appear on Ex On The Beach. He also dated Charlotte Crosby and Zara Holland.

Jon Clark and Hannah Elizabeth - runners up of Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Jon and Hannah were coupled up from the start of the first series, and finished in second place. They got engaged on the show but, sadly, it wasn't meant to be.

Hannah Elizabeth (runner up of Love Island series 1 (2015) now
These days, Hannah is engaged to a guy called George Andreetti., who she regularly posts about on Instagram. She's still modelling, and also runs a crystal healing class at the Utopia Island resort.

Jon Clark (runner up of Love Island series 1 (2015) now
The reality TV obsessive among you (same) will know that Jon now stars in TOWIE. He also dated Love Island 2017 star Chloe Crowhurst for a time, but is now loved-up with girlfriend Tayla Ling.

Jordan Ring - Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Zoe and Jordan carried on dating for a short time after the show finished, but the romance was over by the end of the summer.

Jordan Ring - Love Island series 1 (2015) now
Jordan is now signed to a film featured artist agency.

Omar Sultani - Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Poor old Omar had a bit of a shocker after failing to find love and eventually being dumped from the island.

Omar Sultani - Love Island series 1 (2015) now
Omar doesn't give too much away about what he's up to now on his social media, but he does go on a hell of a lot of holidays...

Joshua Ritchie Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Joshua ended up coming in third place coupled up with pal Lauren Richardson.

Joshua Ritchie Love Island series 1 (2015) now
These days, Joshua Ritchie is living his best reality TV life (having also appeared on Ex On The Beach) and is currently dating Charlotte Crosby. Read more about what Josh is up to now here.

Luis Morrison and Cally Jane Beech - Love Island series 1 (2015) then
Luis and his former flame Cally actually managed to stay together after leaving the villa.

Luis Morrison and Cally Jane Beech - Love Island series 1 (2015) now
And they're still together! They also have an adorable daughter called Vienna.