Alexandra Cane seemed to have flawless skin during Love Island, but sadly she didn't see it that way.
After leaving the villa, the reality TV star decided to take action and have a laser facial treatment to banish scars left from the impetigo she previously suffered with.
The star recently took to Instagram to reveal the painful-looking effects of the facial, which costs over £2,000, telling fans she wanted to be honest about the procedure.

The star said, “This the current state of skin, it looks quite bloody. It’s starting to scab over now but all is good according to my consultant.
“Hopefully in a few days all of this scabbing should start peeling off. The most sore part is my eyes, but the rest of my skin feels pretty good."
GALLERY: Love Island 2018 Instagram names
Love Island 2018 Instagram names (slider -radio)

Adam Collard
Adam is a 22-year-old personal trainer and gym director from Newcastle.Instagram: adamcollard

Dani Dyer
Dani is a 21-year-old barmaid from East London.Instagram: danidyerxx

Dr. Alex George
Dr Alex is a 27-year-old A&E doctor from Carmarthen, West Wales.Instagram: adlgeorge1

Eyal Booker
Eyal is a 22-year-old model from London.Instagram: eyalbooker

Hayley Hughes
Hayley is a 21-year-old model from Liverpool.Instagram: hayleyhughes.xx

Jack Fincham
Jack is a 26-year-old stationery sales manager from Kent.Instagram: jack_charlesf

Kendall Rae-Knight
Kendall is a 26-year-old retail manager from Blackpool.Instagram: kendallraeknight

Laura Anderson
Laura is a 29-year-old cabin crew member from Stirling, Scotland.Instagram: lauraanderson1x

Niall Aslam
Niall is a 23-year-old student and construction worker from Coventry.Instagram: niallaslam

Samira Mighty
Samira is a 22-year-old West End performer from London.Instagram: samiramighty

Wes Nelson
Wes is a 20-year-old electrical and nuclear systems design engineer from Staffordshire.Instagram: wes.nelson
Fans were quick to worry about Alexandra, who dated Dr Alex George on the show, with many expressing their concern over her red face - but she claimed it was perfectly normal.
She later added, “Guys, don’t panic, I’ve just had a few DMs saying ‘Oh my god, what’s happened?'
“This is how my skin is meant to look at the moment, please don’t worry, all is fine."
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When asked why she'd decided to go to such extremes, she replied, "I used to suffer with a skin condition called impetigo where I used to get blisters on my skin that would pus and take ages to scab over.
"I would pick at them and was then left with scarring and uneven skin." Ouch.
Following her stint in the villa, Alex is rumoured to be dating former Love Island contestant Rykard Jenkins, while her ex Dr Alex George recently confirmed he's dating Ex on the Beach's Amelia Bath.