Where to shop Love Island’s Jake Cornish and Liberty Poole’s bracelets for just £1.50

So you can match with your numero uno

love island liberty poole jake cornish bracelets

by Hannah Mellin |
Updated on

Despite this year’s Love Islandbeing packed to the rafters of absolute drama (that Faye Winter and Teddy Soares fight 😳), we’ve also witnessed some very cute moments.

liberty poole jake cornish
©ITV Pictures

The one that sticks out the most is the moment Jake Cornish asked Liberty Poole to be his girlfriend. Yep, Jake got inspiration from the likes of Kem Cetinay before him and treated Liberty to a trip around the villa before presenting her with her very own magnetic bracelet that interlinks with his.

Cute? Sickening? You decide.

In a recent episode, we hilariously witnessed Liberty lose her mind when she thought she lost it during a trip out to the Island Beach Club, only to find it on the bathroom floor.

love island liberty poole
©ITV Pictures

It turns out that Jake’s choice of jewellery is an absolute STEAL, meaning you can dish them out to your other halves (or your bestie).

The two bracelets arefrom SHEIN and are £1.49,if you’re planning to stock up – you can even choose the colours.

If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, we’ve found some more adorable matching ones…

matching bracelet couples.
Price: $8.99

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The revelation that Jake and Liberty's bracelet cost so little got Love Island fans talking on social media, with some saying that they don't understand why Liberty got so stressed about losing it if it cost that much.

However, many disagreed, stating that it was about the sentimental value.

"I don’t think it’s the price that matters," commented one.

Another added that they think Liberty losing the bracelet was a sign that she should dump Jake after his 'she's not all that' comments in the Movie Challenge, "I said it before and I’ll say it again THE PRODUCERS HID LIBERTY’S BRACELET #loveIsland"

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