Are Busted reforming with Charlie Simpson?

Charlie is said to be in talks with James Bourne and Matt Willis about a tour!

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Busted are getting back together and Charlie Simpson is BACK in the band. Well, that's if the rumours flying around about the band are to be believed.

Charlie, 30, quit the band back in 2005 to pursue a more serious music career with Fightstar, however, he's never quite achieved huge chart success and his recent solo efforts haven't done much better, either.


Meanwhile bandmates Matt Willis and James Bourne went on to join superband McBusted with the rest of McFly, then go on a sell-out arena tour and release a huge album together.

A source told *The Sun*: "Busted are re-forming by the end of the year and Charlie is part of the band again. It's amazing because Matt and James have always said there's more chance of pigs flying than Charlie coming back to Busted.

"But this is something that has been secretly discussed for a number of months - it was important the three guys felt they could work together again and get along as friends.

The source went on to suggest that it's McBusted's financial success that might have tempted Charlie to come back to the band.

They added: "Obviously McBusted’s success, including financially, must have had something to do with Charlie’s decision."

Charlie who had hits with Busted, which included What I Go To School For and Year 3000, made it quite clear back in 2011 that he NEVER wanted to return to the band, he said: "I want to make it unequivocally clear that I have no interest whatsoever in rejoining Busted and I never will."

Hmm, well there's been no official word from Charlie Simpson, or the rest of Busted, but McBusted's Tom Fletcher did take to Instagram to poke fun at the rumours, he posted: "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Charlie freakin Simpson!...or so rumour has it."



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