You know Emma Blackery off of YouTube? Well she has a brand new EP out called Magnetised and it's a right treat for the old lugholes. So, since we've been fans for bloody yonks, we thought we'd better catch up with her to find out what it's all about.
Hey Emma. Your entire life's out there on YouTube, but do you have any facts nobody knows about you yet?
I'm afraid not, as my entire life is out there for all to see. I don't like the taste of celery, I think that's my last secret.
Controversial. Your new EP’s bloody brilliant, how would you describe it in 5 words?
Love, growth, sadness, moving on.
If the Magnetised EP was a food, what would it be?
Not celery.
Let’s talk about some tracks. Fixation – what’s the one thing you’ve been obsessed with you can’t believe you ever were?
Saying 'rad' all of the time. I don't have regrets about being obsessed with things like bands, though
Human – if you WEREN’T actually human, what animal would you be and why?
An owl. I stay awake at night and flying seems cool.
Nothing Without You – what’s your most empowering breakup tip?
Don't date anyone in the first place.
Nice one. YOU’RE GOING ON TOUR – what’s your most ridiculous behind-the-scenes tour story?
I don't think I have one. I had my sound cut out in front of 20,000 people, that was super fun and not horrendous.
Where would you love to play?
Brixton Academy is the long-term goal for me.
Also, can we be your best mate please?
Sure thing.
Emma's new EP Magnetised is very much out now and it's a bit fantastic. Go and have a listen, why don'tcha?
Little Mix and Stormzy's Power collab's here and it's EVERYTHING