Ah, Aston Merrygold. How we’ve missed you and your backflips. But guess what, guys? Aston’s back!
OK, we don’t see any backflips on this video, but we do see some promising leaping and general high-energy moving about, so we reckon the backflips are just around the corner.
In this teaser for Aston’s new track Get Stupid he also does a fabulous James Brown-esque wail. WE LIKE.
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Aston told The Sun that he’s been wanting to release music for ACTUAL AGES – but was made to wait by his record company until the time was just right.
“If I had it my way I probably would have released stuff straight away,” he said.
“I’m 27 and people are asking me if I’m retired, it’s just weird. I’ve been sitting on my hands. I’ve got it all there, it’s ready and I’m made to wait.”
Well, wait no more…