Next week on Coronation Street, Chesney's romantic trip through the clouds goes wrong when Gemma's waters break and she goes into labour - right there at 300ft.
Swinging from a cable car over the Llandudno valley, will they be able to make it to hospital before Gemma gives birth to their four babies?
Elsewhere, Daniel and Bethany are still under scrutiny when Beth catches them cuddling. Will he be able to convince her he hasn't forgotten about Sinead already?

Things go from bad to worse for David Platt when he's charged with the attempted murder of his rapist, Josh Tucker. Meanwhile, Shona Ramsay implored his brother Nick Tilsley to bury the hatchet and support him.
Maria Connor insists it's too soon to move on from Ali Neeson, but she can't ignore her chemistry with Gary Windass. Will they be more than just friends?
CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers Monday 28 October - Friday 1 November
Coronation Street spoilers: Gemma Winter in labour at 300ft

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Gemma and Chesney have been nervously awaiting her magazine interview coming out in the press, but when they buy a copy they're horrified to see Bernie has made out Chesney is a love rat because it made a better story.

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Irritated by the bad publicity and the press now hanging around outside number 5, Gemma wishes she could get away for the day, and Chesney makes a plan.

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As Chesney books a romantic cable car trip Llandudno, shrewd Cathy reveals she's used the twins' Instagram account to get them a stay at an upmarket hotel.

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With Chesney reevaluating his priorities after Dan lost Sinead, he worries that the family being there might get in the way of his plans...

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Later on, Chesney whisks Gemma away for their cable car trip for two across the valleys, and he's got something important to ask her.

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Admitting that he's realised he needs to seize what is important to him after losing Sinead, Chesney bites the bullet and proposes - but things don't go to plan.

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Before she can respond, Gemma's waters break and she goes into labour. Chesney pulls the emergency break, but swinging from a wire above the hills, will they be able to get to a hospital in time?

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Later on after a very dramatic birth, Gemma watches her babies with a mixture of awe and panic.

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But the drama is far from over when Gemma and Cathy are told that she's been discharged to her own hospital, but that the babies must remain at Llandudno.

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Horrified at the thought of leaving her newborns, Gemma is left seething when she realises that Bernie has already made the quads their own Instagram account.

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Back in Weatherfield, a grieving Daniel is struggling to come to terms with the loss of his wife and is overwhelmed at having to organise the funeral.

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Taking a moment to think alone in Victoria Square Gardens, he's soon found by Bethany who lends a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on.

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But when they're happened upon by Beth, she is furious, and accuses them of having an affair before Sinead is even cold.

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With his emotions in turmoil, Dan decides that he and Bertie need to get away and announces they're taking a holiday to Scotland. Beth is distraught he's taking Bertie away, worried they may not return.

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David's nightmare in prison continues as he's taken in for further questioning as they've got hold of the video footage that appears to incriminate him in stabbing Josh.

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With David's defense crumbling, Abe and Tez warn David that unless he wants to end up in hospital like Josh, he'd better stick to the story.

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Back on the street, Shona receives a message from Imran saying that David has been charged with attempted murder.

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With Shona's pleas to Nick to support his brother falling on deaf ears, Gail, returned from Thailand, calls a family meeting.

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A stern Gail tells Sarah, Bethany, Audrey, Shona and Leanne that she's sick of the family's in-fighting and it's high time they pulled together to support one another.

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Later on, the family arrive at the hearing to hear David, Abe and Tez plead not guilty to the attempted murder of Josh Tucker .

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To their horror, David is refused bail and ordered to await trial behind bars. When they hear that Josh has gained consciousness, Shona hopes he'll tell the truth about David's involvement.

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Elsewhere, Maria and Gary have been getting on well and as they chat at the café, Bethany looks on, intrigued.

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When they're alone, Bethany quizzes Maria on her feelings for Gary, but Maria insists it's too soon to move on after Ali and that they're just mates.

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But as fate would have it, it turns out that both Maria and Gary have been invited to Tyrone's Halloween party. Will sparks fly?

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Maria is turned on by Gary's shiny gold zentai body suit, and when he suggests they could meet alone for lunch one afternoon, Maria is thrilled.

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Meanwhile, Ali has been working hard on himself, assuring Toyah that he's been weaning himself off the diazepam and is doing much better.

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But now all is well, and when Toyah encourages him to tell Maria how he really feels about her, he worries it's too late.
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Now let's catch up on what's happening this week...
Sinead Tinker is nearing the end and her family are determined to be there for her. But, overwhelmed at losing his wife, Daniel heads out for some air where he shares an intimate moment with Bethany Platt, who's been fighting her feelings for him.

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A furious Ken Barlow spots them and sends Daniel back to his dying wife, but does Sinead already know about Daniel and Bethany?
Elsewhere, incarcerated David Platt is caught up in a vicious prison riot, and his cellmate Abe encourages him to use the opportunity to do his worst to enemy Josh Tucker.
But when a video begins circulating of David stabbing Josh, how will he prove his innocence?
Max wants to move back in the Shona Ramsay, and Gail Platt returns from her Thailand holiday.