Last week, Megan McKenna's beloved girlband broke the cardinal sin of friendship as they were spotted slurping cocktails and taking selfies with the enemy – Chloe Lewis and Lydia Bright.
Now, we may have missed something, but we thought the girlband bond was unbreakable.
Especially as Chloe Meadows and Megan have been best friends since they were teeny tiny, so despite all the 'dirty grinding' accusations that were thrown Megan's way, we thought her friends would 100% have her back.
In the last episode, we saw Megan break down in tears as she told Georgia Kousoulou and Danielle Armstrong that she thinks she's losing her best friends and feared that they no longer had her back.
Was she right?
As Megan sits down with Chloe to burn bridges, things get extremely emotional as they both agree that they have lost their best friend.
:( :( :(
Cue so many crying faces.

And when it comes to watching Megan strut her stuff on the catwalk, Chloe takes a seat right next to Lydia Bright, insisting that she's 'not ready' to take on Megan's wrath again.

Coooor, when will Megan catch a break?
At least she gets waaaaaay more airtime than [anyone else and pissing the whole cast off in the process. ](Megan McKenna sparks FURY among TOWIE cast for her scene-stealing antics) The ultimate revenge.
Elsewhere in tonight's episode, Gemma joins Bobby for some ghost-busting action and Mike Hassini grows some balls and apologises to Megan for accusing her of cheating on Pete Wicks for taking a selfie with someone.
Also, have YOU HEARD Megan McKenna's singing voice? Prepared to be blown away.
Get the girl off TOWIE and into the charts.