The best ever Orange is the New Black quotes

There’s been tons, but here are the most memorable quotes from all three seasons of OITNB that we just can’t stop reciting to ourselves (and our mates)...


by heat staff |
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We've been busy catching up with Season 3 of Orange is the New Black now that it's finally back on Netflix. This obviously includes taking extra long lunch breaks and lying to our friends about when we finish work so we can sneak in an extra episode here and there ;)

But you know what we've spotted throughout Seasons 1, 2 and 3? Those girls of Litchfield Penitentiary have come out with some of the best one-liners we've ever heard. There have been iconic moments aplenty, but props has to go to Crazy Eyes for endless entertainment throughout all three seasons (what we wouldn't give to be inside her head). As a matter of fact all these ladies have made us super jealous of their witty wisecracks. Even prim and proper Piper has had her moments.

Here are eight of our favourite OITNB quotes ever. You are welcome.


Piper - Season 1, Episode 4

Personally, we'd be rather happy if someone called us Taylor Swift. But each to their own.


Piper - Season 3, Episode 13

Newbie Stella has worked out how it goes down in Litchfield Penitentiary. And she's even tattooed it on Piper's arm.


Daya - Season 2, Episode 3

Lovely Bennett presented Daya with some spinach back in Season 2. We're guessing she'd have preferred an engagement ring. At least it'll make you and the babba strong, Daya...

4. "I threw my pie for you..."

Crazy Eyes - Season 1, Episode 3

Remember when Crazy Eyes had a bit of a thing (OK, a lot of a thing) for her 'Dandelion' Piper in Season 1? Well, true love results in wasting food, apparently. We can't say we'd ever do that for anyone, soz.


Vee - Season 2, Episode 3

Well, Crazy Eyes did like to refer to Piper as Dandelion after all. Maybe Vee's right...


Pennsatucky - Season 1, Episode 9

And who decided that, eh Pennsatucky?


Taystee - Season 1, Episode 5

As you do, eh Taystee?


Crazy Eyes - Season 1, Episode 3

Crazy Eyes and Piper's 'chocolate and vanilla swirl' could have been a match made in heaven. Crazy Eyes' singing could totally be a number one hit. We wonder if we can commission her to write the rest?

Read more OITNB related articles here:

Prison essentials: the top 10 items we'd smuggle into OITNB's Litchfield Penitentiary

OrangeCon: all the news all the fashion and all the gossip

The best OITNB inspired prison beauty hacks

Orange is the New Black: who wore it best?

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