We hope you like seeing a load of hot, famous women all in one place… because you’re about to.
Forget Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood video starring a whole of host of her famous pals, because Madonna’s gone and done it bigger and better than Tay-Tay.
Madge’s video for Bitch I’m Madonna will feature cameos from some of music’s most awesome women, including Beyonce, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Rita Ora and Nicki Minaj, who features on the track.

Madonna tweeted a photo of the gals earlier, and said we should expect the actual video soon: "Video coming soon! Just tryin to make it perfect for all of you. We are hard werking bitches!"
The video is also expected to feature a cameo from Diplo, who co-wrote and produced the track.
Bitch I'm Madonna is the third single to be taken from Madge’s latest album Rebel Heart.