Broadchurch Episode 2: heat’s Blagger’s Guide to knowing EVERYTHING that’s happening in Series 2

Last night's Broadchurch had the whole COUNTRY talking about it. If you haven't watched yet, prepare yourself for some serious spoilers...


by Lisa Howells |
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So, it's definitely slowed down (there are seven episodes to go, after all), but Broadchurch still managed to serve up some shocks with a side order of dramz. Here's what you need to know about episode two to avoid being sent to the bar AGAIN while everyone else discusses...

1. Ellie has messed things up REAL BAD

Ouch. She may be about five foot nothing, but Ellie managed to go all Bruce Lee on killer hubby Joe at the end of Series 1 (BC1), leaving him with multiple bruises and a broken rib. Unfortunately, this allowed the prosecution to yell "POLICE BRUTALITY" a lot and cast doubt on Joe's confession. The result? That all-important confession got thrown out of court. That just ain't good news.


2. Everyone's been down to Boots

You couldn't help noticing that there were a lot of dodgy tans in evidence. DI Hardy isn't so well, but that's no excuse for slapping on some very bad bronzer. That goes for you, too, Lee "Did he do it? Still not sure" Ashworth. Even the vicar looked like he'd been down TOWIE way for a quick whirl on the sunbed. Tone it down, lads!

3. Miller and Hardy are increasingly like an old married couple

They argue, they bicker, they eat chips, they go through each other's things... There's a definite air of coupledom around these two. You doubt they'll cross THAT line, but when Hardy enthusiastically declared, "Miller, I could kiss you", part of you yelled, "Go on, actually KISS her!" You're living in hope...

4. The court case is going to get nasty

In the words of Christina Aguilera, this case is getting diiirrrtttttyyyyy. After declaring "none of us have got any secrets left", poor Beth was forced to tell the whole town that her husband had been knocking off the local hotel owner and had even hit their son. That journo's live blog would have been on fire. Next up was Hardy, who had to 'fess up to "letting" Ellie beat up her hubby, thus endangering the whole case. And that was just day one!

5. Ellie messed up AGAIN

To be fair, it wasn't strictly Ellie's fault, but while she was meant to be chaperoning Claire at her meeting with hubby Lee "Really, you have NO idea if he did it" Ashworth, she got attacked by Beth. Beth's waters proceeded to break (of course) and in all the excitement, Claire and Lee disappeared! Has she been abducted by her psycho ex, or is something a bit more sinister going on? You're putting your money on the latter. Things are most definitely not what they seem with these two.

So, a quietish week in Broadchurch, but enough to keep it ticking over. Next week: Ellie cries more than once, we flashback to when Hardy looked like Brett Anderson from Suede and dodgy Lee reappears having done "nuffing" wrong, honest. But you could be wrong...

Here's all the most important bits from Broadchurch Series 2 Episode 1

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