We can’t wait to watch The DUFF!

You either know a DUFF, have a DUFF, or worst-case scenario… you are a DUFF


by heat staff |
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Listen. Being at high school is tough. You have to fight your way through all the clichés – jocks, mean girls, geeks, rockers, to name but a few. But what if you find out from the school man-whore (another classic stereotype) that you’re a cliché too. You’re a DUFF!?

That’s what happens to poor ol’ Bianca Piper (Mae Whitman, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Arrested Development) in brilliant new comedy The DUFF.

But instead of accepting her DUFF crown, Bianca decides to save her senior year from being a total disaster by reinventing herself with the help of man-whore… oops, we mean Wesley (Robbie Amell).

The DUFF is in UK cinemas NOW!

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