This Friday not one (that would be silly), not two, not - oh, you get the idea.
Five (5) housemates are up for eviction.
They are::a[Stephanie Davis, Jeremy McConnell]{href='' }, Gemma Collins, Angie Bowie and Nancy Dell'Olio.
In scenes to be broadcast tonight, John Partridge will do his nominations face to face. Which would seem cruel but we’re pretty immune to Big Brother cruelty/twists these days.
And John picked his mates Darren Day and Angie Bowie.
So cruel, John!
He said:
"The first housemate I wish to nominate is Angie. You know that I adore you but I don't think that this, right now, is the correct environment for you to be in."
"My second nomination is for Darren. Over the course of this week I've seen him go from a happy guy into somebody that has withdrawn.
"I have seen him pick up a habit – smoking – that he hasn't used for 18 months, in order to cope with being in this house."
Both Darren and Angie have faces like smacked behinds when they hear John’s words, and we can’t say we blame them.
Some people seem to have a problem with Angie choosing to stay in the house following David Bowie’s death, but grief hits everyone in different ways. And maybe she’d rather have the distraction of the house. This nomination seems a bit snaky of John to us, TBH.
As for nominating Darren Day, has he forgotten their time in the bro-crate? We have not forgotten.
Nancy is the bookies’ favourite to go and Gemma to stay. And all bets are off for Tiffany Pollard who, fortunately for her following her‘David Gest is dead’ meltdown, is immune from eviction this week.
CBB continues tonight on Channel 5 at 9pm.