Cutest animals ever

Baby orangutan

Baby goat

Baby platypus

Baby alpaca

Baby doggies

Baby anteater

Baby bats

Baby bear

Baby dik-dik

Baby doggy

Baby dolphin

Baby elephant

Baby bunny

Baby elephants

Baby giraffe

Baby tortoise

Baby goat

Baby gorilla

Baby hedgehog

Baby hippo

Baby kangaroo

Baby kitty

Baby mouse

Baby otter

Baby owl

Baby pig

Baby polar bear

Baby horsey

Baby porcupine

Baby doggy

Baby rhino

Baby sea lion

Baby tapir

Baby sloth

Baby snow foxes

Baby snow leopard
Don't bother trying to be all macho - we know you guys love baby animals just as much as us lot at heat.
We mean, how could you not? Just look at their dinky little noses, and teenie tiny paws. Adorable.
So, in an attempt to cheer you up during the miserable month of January we thought you might like to look at some of the cutest baby animals we've ever seen - from a teeny-weeny orangutan to a mini goat!