Game Of Thrones’ Jason Mamoa Aquaman costume revealed for Batman vs Superman movie

Jason Momoa will star in the upcoming Batman vs Superman flick...


by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Remember Jason Momoa? Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones? The man that replaced ACTUAL Arnie as Conan in the movie remake? The man with a voice so booming, that after we interviewed him, we could barely understand the recording because his voice was SO DAMN DEEP.

And on the subject of the deep, Jason has been unveiled in full Aquaman attire for the upcoming Batman vs Superman film.

The movie's director, Zach Snyder posted the image with the words "unite the seven" on his Twitter account in the early hours of Friday morning, along with the caption:

"There is only one true King. #unitetheseven "

It's unclear whether the "unite the seven" means the other members of the Justice League - the superhero team made up of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and many others - which is basically DC's version of Marvel's super-team The Avengers. Or simply refers to the seven seas, which Aquaman is the ruler of.

Batman vs Superman is set for release on March 25, 2016 release. Jason will also star in Justice League Part One in 2017, and his own solo Aquaman movie in 2018.

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