Game Of Thrones’ Red Viper gets saucy with Heidi Klum in new video for Sia’s Fire Meet Gasoline

Is it just us or is Pedro Pascal looking pretty hot these days?


by Anna Lewis |
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Sia has premiered the video for her new single* Fire Meet Gasoline,* and you may recognise the couple who seem to be having a lot of sex in it.

The video stars Heidi Klum and Game Of Thrones’ Pedro Pascal, whose character The Red Viper met his INCREDIBLY gruesome end in season 4 of the HBO show.

Heidi and her fake manfriend can be seen getting pretty saucy in Sia’s video.

Heidi said on the shoot: “Sia is one of those incredible artists who puts so much passion into her work, and I am thrilled to be part of a music video.

“I remember being blown away the first time I heard her voice on Breathe Me and I love many songs she has written for other artists.”

Is it just us or is Pedro actually pretty hot? We’d never really noticed before…

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