Gaz Beadle on Ex On The Beach with girl who called him her ‘worst one night stand’

In tonight’s Ex On The Beach – we’re in for some incredible television.


by Ellie Henman |
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Gaz Beadle – of Geordie Shore fame – makes his grand entrance into the show tonight, alongside someone he doesn’t quite recognise.

But really he should because it turns out the lady with him is Emily Colley, a past partner of the reality star.

Some of our favourite Gaz quotes include: “I do get this thing quite a lot but normally if I bang a 4/10 I won’t remember, but she is fit!” and “I think I banged her but I don’t know who she is.”


We hate that kind of amnesia.

But it’s not just Emily. Oh no, Melissa also turns out to have been on a couple of ‘dates’ with Gaz and says it was like “one of those secrets that you don’t want anybody to know about.”

She soon changes her mind though because it’s not long into the episode before they climb into bed with one another…

Another highlight of the evening is poor Loren and her feeling of guilt. She can’t shake it after she snogged her BFF’s Kayleigh’s ex Adam.

Jess doesn’t really help the matter, telling her “You’re in the firing line tonight pal – I don’t envy you.”

Ex On The Beach continues tonight at 10pm, only on MTV.

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