Gordon Ramsey’s Pancake Day recipe involves egg shells, crisps and, er, calling Jamie Oliver “a tosser”

Happy Pancake Day from the angriest man in food

by Emmeline Saunders |
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What are you putting in your pancakes tonight? Bit of lemon and sugar? An entire jar of Nutella? All the sweets you could find in the shop, plus the ones you raided off your mate?

Yeah, well you’re WRONG and here’s Gordon Ramsey to explain why.

You see, you don’t actually need anything fancy to make pancakes. Just a couple of eggs – shells included. And a handful of milk. Yep, we said a handful. Oh, and a packet of crisps. Don’t forget to stare lovingly at an Argos catalogue while you’re whisking.

Thanks, Gordy. Thanks a whole bunch.

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