Got a super-cool gran and fancy winning a prize? Then you’ll love #heatInstaGran!

We love funky grans and we don’t care who knows it!


by Anna Lewis |
Published on

Got a groovy gran? A nutty nanna? A mad mother’s mother? If so, we want you to send us a photo for this year’s Instagran!

Last year for heat Makes You Happy, we set up Instagran – which is basically just a way of you guys getting to show off your awesome grans on social media, while also being in with a chance of winning a lovely prize for you and your nanna. And we got some INCREDIBLE photos sent in, so we just had to do it again this year.

We want to see photos of your grans doing crazy stuff, wearing mad outfits, and just generally being bananas. So upload your pics to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #heatInstaGran and also tag @heatworld. Then we’ll pick our favourite to win a prize.


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