Guess who’s NOT going to be in Ricky Gervais’ new Office reunion film Life On The Road

And he’s not even that bothered about not being asked


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Martin Freeman has revealed he WON’T be coming back as the hapless Tim in Ricky Gervais’ new film Life On The Road, which picks up where The Office left off.

The upcoming movie will follow Ricky’s character David Brent’s bid for recognition of his obvious musical genius and is scheduled to hit cinemas next August.


But there’ll be no Tim Canterbury giving deadpan looks to the camera and muttering “fantastic” under his breath – because Martin Freeman hasn’t even been asked to make an appearance.

“I don’t know about it, and I think that’s for a good reason, because I’ve not been asked,” Martin told the Sun.

“And I think it’s right that I’ve not been asked. I’m not a big fan of reunions. I don’t think they’re ever as good as the first one.”

Not only will there be no Tim, there’ll also be no Dawn (played by Lucy Davis) OR Gareth (Mackenzie Crook) either. SACRILEGE.

Oh, AND Ricky’s doing this all without his Office co-writer Stephen Merchant too.

“Ricky has every right to do a David Brent movie on his own but fans will understandably be gutted to have it confirmed that Stephen is not involved,” a source told the Sun.

“Together they created one of the all-time classic TV shows with The Office, and all their projects as a team have been so well received.”

Talking about his new project recently, Ricky said the movie is “110 pages of pure joy”.

“Delusion, desperation and excruciating social faux pas; all wrapped up in one little middle-aged rep on his continued quest for fame and acceptance.”

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