A history of death in EastEnders: As the big reveal of Lucy Beale’s killer approaches here’s some amazing facts and figures



by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Eastenders’ Albert Square must be a tough place to live – there can’t be a smaller (fictional) part of London that has seen more deaths in recent years.

We’re now just hours away from find out who killed Lucy Beale after almost a year of waiting to find out ‘whodunit’.

Enders fans over at bookmakers bwin have done a few calculations to find out just how unlucky the residents of E20 are and have looked at death over the years on the soap - morbid but fascinating.


Death by numbers > >

- There have been 103 deaths on Albert Square since it began 30 years age >

- 57% are male, 38% female, 5% animals (RIP Wellard) >

- Christmas is especially deadly – 17 died in December. Summer time appears to provide brief respite to the cast, only four people have been killed off in May and August >

- The deadliest period in Eastenders came between 2005-09 in which 31 people were seen off. In comparison, only 8 were killed between 1995-99 >


Death by people > >

- Pat Butcher (1,818) has the most episodes before death >

- Lucas Johnson (4) is the most murderous Eastender of all time

Death by Family > >

- The Beale's are the most bereaved family, with five members being killed off in 30 years >

- The Brannings, Fowlers and Mitchells have four deaths, ahead of the Butchers, Cottons and Moons – currently on three! >


Death by the accused > >

- The Butchers and Cottons are the joint top deadliest family having been implicated in six murders each >

- Lucas Johnson's murderous rampage makes the 'Johnson' name second with four >

- The Mitchells were responsible for three deaths >

- The Moons were implicated in two >

- Branning and Fowler on one apiece >

- And the Beale family have never been implicated in a death…yet! >


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