Is Ian Beale Lucy’s murderer? The WHOLE EastEnders cast think so!

We’re not the only ones getting our Miss Marple on


by Kay Ribeiro |
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For ten months we’ve been trying to solve soap’s greatest mystery: who killed Lucy Beale. And it turns out the EastEnders cast are no different.

Most of them have a theory about who ended Lucy’s life and the overriding feeling is… IT WAS IAN! That’s right, the good folk of Walford reckon Squeal Beale killed his own daughter. Pretty dark, huh?

Obviously no one really knows who did the deed but tune in tonight at 7.30pm and 9.30pm on BBC1 to find out. It’s going to be epic.

The EastEnders folk guess whodunnit


Who the EastEnders cast think killed Lucy Beale

Ben Hardy (Peter Beale)1 of 11

Ben Hardy (Peter Beale)

"I'm constantly changing my mind on this one... I'd be very shocked if it was Peter."

Jake Wood (Max Branning)2 of 11

Jake Wood (Max Branning)

"I've had a few theories over the time. At one point I thought it was Abi and then I thought it was Ian and now I have no idea."

Lorna Fitzgerald (Abi Branning)3 of 11

Lorna Fitzgerald (Abi Branning)

"I've always said Ian because I think it's the biggest shock and would make a great story. He's been in it the longest, it's his daughter... it would be a shock. It's a winner."

Mimi Keene (Cindy WIlliams)4 of 11

Mimi Keene (Cindy WIlliams)

"At first I was sure it was Peter but now I'm doubting myself!...I don't think it's me but I think I've gone up in the betting shops so you never know! If it was me, I'd be like, 'Yes, I'm the new Janine [Butcher], I finally got to murder someone!'"

Shona McGarty (Whitney Dean)5 of 11

Shona McGarty (Whitney Dean)

"I've got a horrible feeling it's Whitney... If it's not, I would have said Ian but I'm not sure."

Harry Reid (Ben Mitchell)6 of 11

Harry Reid (Ben Mitchell)

"I think it's either Jane or Peter. They both have motives... My wildcards are Cindy or Bobby with Jane covering for them – which is another possibility."

Danny-Boy Hatchard (Lee Carter)7 of 11

Danny-Boy Hatchard (Lee Carter)

"It changes all the time but I think Ian Beale and potentially someone else – I think it might have been a two man job!'

Roger Sloman (Les Coker)8 of 11

Roger Sloman (Les Coker)

"I think the most sensational thing would be if it was Ian because I think that given how much he's grieved for Lucy, to find out that he was responsible would be shocking."

Shane Ritchie (Alfie Moon)9 of 11

Shane Ritchie (Alfie Moon)

"I keep hearing different things! Someone did tell me Angie Watts! I thought blimey I like the idea of that... I think it could be Ian Beale – it would be a stroke of genius."

Lacey Turner (Stacey Branning)10 of 11

Lacey Turner (Stacey Branning)

"Each week I think it's someone different, but I think it's Ian! I don't know why I think it might be him."

Himesh Patel (Tamwar Masood)11 of 11

Himesh Patel (Tamwar Masood)

"Jane. I feel like it's something to do with Jane. I think she's definitely involved somewhere down the line."


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