Join us for heat’s Even More UnREAL tonight. Plus your chance to win a trip to New York!

Celebrity guests include Lauren Goodger, Ollie Locke, Stevi Ritchie, Chloe Jasmine and Francine Lewis!


by heat staff |
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Wondering what to do tonight? Here’s a great idea – why not check out Lifetime’s new drama, UnREAL?

So what is UnREAL all about exactly? Well, allow us to enlighten you…

Reality shows are often full of drama, but in the case of dating show Everlasting, there may actually be more drama behind the scenes than there is in front of the camera.

Executive producer Quinn (Constance Zimmer of Entourage and House Of Cards) commands her staff to get dramatic and outrageous footage for the show, which forces young producer Rachel (Shiri Appleby) to manipulate the relationships among the contestants to get the show's final cut to match Quinn's vision of it.

As show star Adam (played by Freddie Stroma – you’ll recognise him from Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince and Inbetweeners 2) searches for his perfect lady, the show's staff members deal with their own romantic predicaments on the set.


For example, Rachel's ex-boyfriend is one of the show's cameramen, and his current fiancée, Lizzie, is the make-up artist. Awkward…

And as if that wasn’t INCREDIBLE enough, heat’s editor-in-chief Lucie Cave, heat Radio’s Sarah Powell and a whole host of celebrity guests – including Lauren Goodger, Ollie Locke, Chloe Jasmine and Francine Lewis – will be on the sofa, discussing the show throughout the evening, and giving a little insight into their own reality TV experiences. PLUS! You could win a trip to New York. So make sure you head this way for all the UnREAL fun you can handle!

Competition closes 11pm, 14 July.

Catch UnREAL tonight and every Tuesday at 10pm on the following channels: Sky, 156, Virgin, 242, BT, 329 and TalkTalk, 329!

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