If, like us, your December whizzed past in a blur of bottomless prosecco and an endless supply of pigs in blankets and mince pies on rotation, you may (may) be thinking about kickstarting some kind of fitness journey this January.
Or not, whatever floats ya boat.
But if you are considering a post-Christmas detox and healthy start to 2018, Union J's Joshua Cuthbert's got you covered with his SHIFT56 System eight-week guide.
We caught up with Josh to chat all about his Christmas and seek some advice on how to motivate ourselves for a 'leaner, happier and healthier' 2018.
So Josh, has keeping fit always been important to you?
Yes, I’ve always stayed active from a young age playing football, rugby and tennis and have enjoyed the benefit of being fit from doing so.
From my early adulthood I’ve also been really interested in the gym and love challenging myself in this as well as the team sports I play.
I also work out with my fiancé Chloe [Lloyd] who has actually been doing The SHIFT56 System with me, as it’s designed for both men and women which is great for us.
How did this SHIFT56 System project come about?
I was approached by Joe Warner, a friend of mine in the fitness industry, who told me that he was writing a book and asked if I would like to come on board.
We sat down discussing both of our ideas and after many months of work with an amazing team of experts, The SHIFT56 System came together.
One of the main things we wanted to incorporate was exercise with happiness, which is how the journaling aspect of the book came along. By encouraging readers to jot down their thoughts, (literally only taking a few minutes from their day) this really helps your mental wellbeing, something which I think is more than what a typical fitness book can do.
What are your top tips for getting motivated to exercise? We've been struggling...
I think it’s really important to set a realistic goal (you can do this using the journal within the book). These could be day by day, week by week or year by year targets but they give you something positive to work towards and focus your attention on.
What are your top 5 songs for your workout playlist?
1/ Justin Bieber - Friends
2/ Rita Ora - Anywhere
3/ Dua Lipa - New Rules.
4/ Ed Sheeran and Eminem - River
5/ Charlie Puth - How Long
What would your 3 tips be for anyone just getting started in fitness?
Follow a realistic start up plan that is easy to understand and is not intimidating, don’t expect results over night but know that with every day you are making a difference and have a positive mindset. A positive mindset = a positive outcome.
How do you motivate yourself in general and how to you maintain a positive outlook on life?
I set myself goals and once they are ticked off I know I am progressing, which is a great feeling to have. When struggling to motivate myself I try to think of the outcome and how good I will feel once it’s done and that will spur me on for the day.
It’s an eight-week programme – if you had to spend eight weeks non-stop with one other member of Union J, who would it be and why?
Ohhhh that’s a tricky one! To be honest I think eight weeks with either of them nonstop may be a little much so I would have to do a few weeks with each of them!
Do you lose the plot with fitness at Christmas and eat everything in sight? We definitely do...
I know I do too! Everyone should be allowed a break at Christmas to enjoy themselves!
What was your Christmas day like? Do you normally over indulge?
Yes I always over indulge, this year involved a big cooked breakfast followed by a huge roast and loads of celebration chocolate and how could I forget the big advent calendar on Christmas morning!
What time do you bring out the Champagne? 7am?
We have some fizz with our Christmas lunch, however, my grandma starts early!
How will you kick-start your fitness routine again this January?
I will follow the plan and look at it as a fresh new year setting new goals! This will mean following a healthy diet as in The SHIFT56 System, exercising regularly but I will still of course look forward to a treat at the weekend. Everyone needs a treat!
Speaking of treats, if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
Peperoni pizza.
What’s you New Year’s resolution?
To try not to care so much what other people think.
The SHIFT56 System, the complete guide to living a leaner, healthier and happier life, is available for £14.99 exclusively at* www.amazon.co.uk*www.amazon.co.uk*. *