Thorpe Park have placed the most vile, horrible, loathsome and abhorrent human in the middle of their Fright Night horror maze: Katie Hopkins.
Katie and her bigoted opinions will terrify thrillseekers as they stumble through a maze stuffed with Britain's biggest fears, including dentists, cramped spaces and all sorts of other spine-shudderingly horrific things.
Katie will wobble around the maze dubbed Containment, insulting your children's weight, name, and probably any health conditions they have.
Luckily, rather than roping in the real Katie Hopkins, Thorpe Park has a huge(r) faced, rubbery masked version called Katie Horror Hopkins, who'll be stalking around the maze looking for minor TV work and opportunities to scare you.

So why would a park based around people having fun and seeking thrills want to plonk in a 40-year-old Twitter troll? Well, she topped a poll trying to find the UK's scariest male and female celebrities.

Katie topped the poll, just in front of Anne Robinson, Heather Mills and Katie Price. Meanwhile, men on the list were Pete Burns, Gordon Ramsay and, erm, Russell Brand.
Hang on, didn't lots and lots of women want to sex him not that long ago? What happened, Russ? Maybe they're terrified you'll bang on about politics some more and try and peg yourself as some sort of millionaire revolutionary Jesus.
Thorpe Park's Fright Night launches on 9 October and runs until 3 November 2015.
Katie Hopkins - worst moments

Katie gets back to nature
Katie had herself a little romp in public with married colleague Mark Cross. Nice one, Katie...

Peaches Geldof owns Katie
Peaches Geldof completely owned Katie during a discussion about attachment parenting on This Morning

Katie says that she doesn't like geographical names
...but her daughter's name is India. Nice one, Katie

Katie tweeted: "Packet Mix have still got a chubber in their ranks. Less Little Mix. More Pick n Mix"
Katie calls Jesy Nelson a "chubber"

Katie was fired from the Met Office in 2007 before she'd even started the new job. A Met Office statement said she did not meet the required standards to complete her probationary period, and confirmed that her performance on The Apprentice and confessions about her private life were a factor in her dismissal. Nice one, Katie...

Katie says alcoholic Paul Gascoigne should keep boozing
On Gazza's alcohol addiction, Katie said: "I don't believe what Russell Brand says about addiction. I just don't buy it. It's a behaviour. Gazza likes drinking, let him crack on. He is enjoying himself." Nice one, Katie...

Katie gets married on TV
Katie got married to Mark Cross (the field sex guy) on Celebrity Four Weddings. Nice one, Katie...

Katie calls Sonia Poulton a zebra in a wig
Katie remarked that her fellow This Morning guest Sonia Poulton was 'a zebra' shouting at her, she said: "I know, but when you've got a zebra in a wig shouting at you, really it's too much." Nice one, Katie

The Katie Hopkins Company is a giant flop
Katie's company, The Katie Hopkins Company - a business and management agency - has run at a net loss since June 2009. As of 30 June 2012 it had a net worth of -£11,927, and had no declared turnover at all during the previous 12 months. Nice one, Katie...