Guinea Pig in fancy dress

Cowboy Guinea Pig

Abraham Lincoln Guinea Pig

Shopping Guinea Pig

Shark Guinea Pig

Ewok Guinea Pig

Punk Guinea Pig

Fashionista Guinea Pig

Police Guinea Pig

Fish Guinea Pig

Mexican Guinea Pig

Harry Potter Guinea Pig
URGENT!** **Speak to your boss and tell him/her that he/she has to let you down tools and stop work for the next 15 minutes so you can soak up all this guinea pig goodness.
Meet Fuzzberta, two, and her big sister, four-year-old MiniGuineaPig – they are the cutest, most adorable, and sweetest little things we think we’ve ever seen. And they just LOVE getting all dressed up and having their photo taken! And no, we don't know which one is which...
The ladies’ owner, Monica Wu, says she started simply snapping pictures of them with her phone, and the idea escalated.
She explained: "In the beginning it was just silly cell phone shots of them looking cute, then tiny props started working their way into it, and after a while I switched to my actual camera.
"Fuzzberta is incredibly photogenic. So she's really easy to photograph. Also, she'll let you do anything as long as you're feeding her a steady supply of carrot chips."
Monica adopted Fuzzberta when MGP's former friend passed away. Fuzzberta's owners had shown her off in shows, but gave her up when they decided to show ducks instead.
Ducks are pretty cute too, in fairness…
"We raised MGP from a tiny baby along with her original buddy, Patches. After Patches passed away in November 2013, we needed to find MGP a new buddy (guinea pigs are social animals and do best in at least pairs).
"Fuzzberta, her mum, and her sister were former 4H show piggies (hence the ear tag) who had been surrendered because their previous owners decided to show ducks instead. We originally tried to match MGP up with the fuzzmom because they were closer in age. But MiniGuineaPig chose Fuzzberta.