Meet Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and North West’s Instagram copycats, What Would Yeezus Wear

Kim and Kanye love them. So do we!

Katie and Kathleen

by heat staff |
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Katie and Kathleen - Kim and Kanye parody account

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They’re the new parody stars of Instagram – What Would Yeezus Wear, aka bloggers Kathleen Lee, 28, and Katie Burroughs, 29. They recreate famous paparazzi shots of Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and North West on Instagram, and have a massive 42K followers. And when Kathleen met Kim at her Selfish book signing, it turns out Kimye are obsessed, too.


On the phone from San Francisco, Kathleen tells heat Kim discovered the account in January when she liked one of their posts. “Kim said, ‘We love it, I show it to Kanye all the time… we really love how creative it is. We hope you guys keep it up,” she says.

It all started back in September last year when Kathleen and Katie met up wearing similar outfits to Kimye – and took a photo for a joke. Matching Kimye’s facial expressions, framework and the background is key, but they say it only takes their photographer Katie Maaske-Ives ten minutes to get each shot, and it hardly costs them anything. Kathleen even made Kim’s Hermès bag out of a paper grocery bag.

“The most I’ve spent is $40 on North’s fur coat,” Kathleen says, adding that now Kimmy’s pregnant again, they’re auditioning to find someone to play baby number two. Anyone?

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