Why YOU need to watch brand new thriller The Visit this week

And why you’ll never leave your bedroom after 9.30pm EVER AGAIN

by Emmeline Saunders |
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There may be seven weeks still to go before Halloween, but there’s no reason why you can’t start watching terrifying films already.

M. Night Shyamalan – the director behind The Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable – is back with a brand new thriller called The Visit – and we’re already biting our fingernails in giddy terror.

The Visit centres around two young children who are sent by their mum for a week-long trip to their grandparents’ remote farm in Pennsylvania. But with grave warnings not to leave their bedroom after 9.30pm every night, the siblings learn not all is as it seems with their elderly relatives.

Just what is going on in that house after dark? Find out when The Visit hits cinemas on Wednesday 9 September.

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