Patrick Dempsey doesn’t look very McDreamy here…

Welcome to heatworld's Throwback Thursday! This week, we're mostly laughing at the gigantic glasses on the face of Grey's Anatomy's hottest character. Celebs beware, you could be next...


by Isabelle Broom |
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In honour of the brand-new season 11 of Grey's Anatomy kicking off on Living last night – did you see it? Did you? It was brilliant, right? – we decided to have a little dig through the archives and find out if Dr "McDreamy" Shepherd was always so, erm, dreamy. Turns out the answer to that question is a resounding NO.

To be fair to Patrick Dempsey, who's now a sexy, silvery, foxy 48 years old, he doesn't look all that bad in this snap, which was taken waaaaay back in 1987 – that's the same year that The Simpsons was first shown on TV. Who knew it was that old? Anyway, back to McDreamy – we blame the glasses most. There's just no way that they need to be that big, and they're obscuring that beautiful face of his. And what is all that money for? Let's hope it's some new glasses...

Patrick's best-known for his role as brain surgeon and bona-fide hottie Dr Derek Shepherd in Grey's Anatomy, but he's also done heaps of movies. We loved him in Enchanted with Amy Adams, and The Catholic Boys, and Meatballs III: Summer Job. What do you mean you haven't seen it?

Who would you like to see in heatworld's Throwback Thursday feature? Tell us in the comments box below, or on Facebook or Twitter!

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