Perez Hilton needed therapy after CBB and Katie Hopkins traumatised him

Perez Hilton blames the show and Katie Hopkins the "troll and hater"

Katie Hopkins Perez Hilton Celebrity Big Brother

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Perez Hilton made Big Brother pay for his therapy has he's been so traumatised by the show and Katie Hopkins!

Speaking to SiriusXM radio, he said: "I've been seeing my therapist a lot lately. I actually got the show to pay for me to go to therapy. They don't voluntarily offer that but I told them I needed it and made them pay."

He went on to talk at length about his CBB nemesis Katie Hopkins. Here's what he had to say when the DJ, Jenny McCarthy asked him to "explain that b***h to people"...

"She's very right wing and conservative. And in the past I used to be that bitchy blogger but that's not who I am anymore.

"This woman is a straight up troll and hater, she says cruel things about groups of people. She hates fat people, she thinks they're lazy, she doesn't believe in learning disabilities, she won't hire people with tattoos. 'She's doing it as an act, she denied it but she is.'

"Now I realise that this woman was basically bullying me. All of the folks in the house started seeing her as powerful and me as weak because I didn't respond to her negativity with negativity.

"I was hurting emotionally, I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't well. In your real life you can hopefully extricate yourself from the situation but I couldn't here. I had to sleep in the same room as her.

Katie Hopkins' Worst Moments


Katie Hopkins - worst moments

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Katie gets back to nature

Katie had herself a little romp in public with married colleague Mark Cross. Nice one, Katie...

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Peaches Geldof owns Katie

Peaches Geldof completely owned Katie during a discussion about attachment parenting on This Morning

Katie says that she doesn't like geographical names3 of 9

Katie says that she doesn't like geographical names

...but her daughter's name is India. Nice one, Katie

Katie tweeted: "Packet Mix have still got a chubber in their ranks. Less Little Mix. More Pick n Mix4 of 9

Katie tweeted: "Packet Mix have still got a chubber in their ranks. Less Little Mix. More Pick n Mix"

Katie calls Jesy Nelson a "chubber"

Katie: YOU'RE FIRED5 of 9


Katie was fired from the Met Office in 2007 before she'd even started the new job. A Met Office statement said she did not meet the required standards to complete her probationary period, and confirmed that her performance on The Apprentice and confessions about her private life were a factor in her dismissal. Nice one, Katie...

Katie says alcoholic Paul Gascoigne should keep boozing6 of 9

Katie says alcoholic Paul Gascoigne should keep boozing

On Gazza's alcohol addiction, Katie said: "I don't believe what Russell Brand says about addiction. I just don't buy it. It's a behaviour. Gazza likes drinking, let him crack on. He is enjoying himself." Nice one, Katie...

Katie gets married on TV7 of 9

Katie gets married on TV

Katie got married to Mark Cross (the field sex guy) on Celebrity Four Weddings. Nice one, Katie...

Katie calls Sonia Poulton a zebra in a wig8 of 9

Katie calls Sonia Poulton a zebra in a wig

Katie remarked that her fellow This Morning guest Sonia Poulton was 'a zebra' shouting at her, she said: "I know, but when you've got a zebra in a wig shouting at you, really it's too much." Nice one, Katie

The Katie Hopkins Company is a giant flop9 of 9

The Katie Hopkins Company is a giant flop

Katie's company, The Katie Hopkins Company - a business and management agency - has run at a net loss since June 2009. As of 30 June 2012 it had a net worth of -£11,927, and had no declared turnover at all during the previous 12 months. Nice one, Katie...

"I knew it was jealousy and insecurity which was why she was lashing out at me. She was throwing all of this negativity at me and there came a point when I finally said 'I don't give a fk anymore,' he explained. 'I cut her balls off. I was like 'listen b*tch fk you.' And when I gave it back to her she became powerless.

"At night they lock you in the bedroom because it's a TV studio so they lock you in and they put these metal shutters down so it's pitch dark and don't let you out until 8.30 or 9am.

Perez said that he really regrets going on the show and said he wished that he'd done more research. He thought it was going to be like the US equivalent, but instead compared it to* Survivor*!

"You're a prisoner but I wasn't expecting it to be as ugly as it became. I did the show because they paid me an insane amount of money. I would never do it again. Hell no. My sanity and emotional well being are too important."

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