Back in January, some of the bigwigs at Fox teased everyone by saying they were mulling over the idea of bringing Prison Break back. And now, they’ve made their decision and we’re happy to announce – it’s happening.
Earlier this evening the bigwigs (Dana Walden and Gary Newman) confirmed the “sequel” was in development and explained how they expected it to get up and running quickly.
It’s thought it will be 10 episodes long and…Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell will be back. YES.
During a panel talk, Dana revealed that the story will pick up a few years after the show finished and said: “I would describe it as a bit of a sequel. It picks up the characters several years after we left them in the last season of the show.
“The brothers will be back. Some of the iconic characters from that show will be back. I don’t think [exec producer] Paul [Scheuring] knows exactly where he’s going over the 10-episode arc, but it definitely will address some questions that were set up at the end of the series for a new audience.”
Oh, Michael Scofield, how we’ve missed you.