Pull the other one, Paris. That is not a “tree”

Paris has a giant butt plug all of its own


by Chris Longridge |
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Artist Paul McCarthy and the authorities of Paris would have you believe that the 24ft inflatable sculpture in the Place Vendome is a tree. It's green, it's vaguely arborial-shaped and it's even called "Tree".

But let's face facts: it's a butt plug. And quite an uncomfortable-looking one at that. McCarthy has form working with bodily orifices and the things that go in or out of them - he even made a sculpture for Rotterdam called Santa Claus that the locals refer to as "the butt plug gnome".

"Tree" went up as part of Paris's annual FIAC art fair.

Anyway, who are we to talk? The fourth plinth in London's Trafalgar Square is currently playing host to a giant blue cock.

What an enormous cock
What an enormous cock
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